Pastoral Care at Menno Place

Menno Place believes in care for the whole person which includes one’s spiritual being and core beliefs. Founded by Mennonites in 1953, the Mennonite Benevolent Society continues to provide chaplaincy services for residents, their families, and our staff.

Our Chaplains

Menno Place chaplains are trained Christian ministers who bring the compassionate, caring ministry of Jesus Christ and His love to others. Though our professional chaplains come from a variety of Christian denominations, they are primarily Mennonite.

Ministering to you

Our chaplains engage with every resident when they arrive at Menno Place, seeking to understand and learn about the unique life journey of each, including their spiritual experiences. The chaplains seek to provide a caring, non-judgmental presence, striving to listen and understand rather than to prescribe.

Our chaplains serve as a team, contributing to the spiritual and holistic wellness of our residents and staff. As Christian ministers, they respect each person’s faith while supporting their spiritual journey. Our chaplains share their faith in Jesus as they are invited to do so, yet caring for all people no matter what their background or how they live.

Our chaplains provide information and encouragement for residents and staff in order to help make sense of life, its purpose, and its meaning. They are a source of support for families who are on the journey of walking with loved ones who have dementia, are frail, or who are at the end-of-life

Personal Connection

The chaplains are able to support one-on-one exploration of spiritual matters, to pray with you, to provide support in grief, and to participate in relationship reconciliation. They are available to speak about end-of-life issues with both residents and their families.

The chaplains provide activities to help to connect residents and families into a caring community. These activities include Bible Study, Prayer (in groups or 1-1), chapel services, hospital visits, and spiritual care resources..

Welcome and Care

Our chaplains welcome and respect people of all faith (or no faith) living on the Menno Place campus. Our chapel services are open to all, regardless of faith background. Residents who are able are encouraged to continue attending their own place of worship, keeping connected with their faith community.

Dr. Ann Thakkar – Home

Ann is a Chaplain at Menno Place. She has served on the Menno Place team since 2022. Her doctoral research is looking at how spiritual practices, specifically the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises impact a person’s experience of suffering and grief. Ann brings kindness, pastoral care and the confidence of God’s presence to residents, families and staff who benefit from this support.

Contact Ann

Use the form (below) to connect with Ann

Kerry Dyck – Apartments

Kerry joined the Menno Place chaplain team in 2023. He has been a pastor in the Mennonite Brethren Church, known for his pastoral care and compassion. Kerry’s office is on the first floor of Primrose Gardens. he loves to engage with seniors to hear their journeys and encourage them in their faith.

Contact Kerry

Use the form (below) to connect with Kerry

Andy Capesinio – Hospital

Andy has spent many years advocating and supporting marginalized and vulnerable people and those who cannot always speak for themselves. He is a soft-spoken, vibrantly joyful man who has natural interpersonal skills, is a good listener and easily builds relationships with people from different cultural backgrounds.  For the past 8 years, Andy has been working with Siloam Mission, most recently as a Spiritual Care Advisor where he built partnerships within the community, including strong relationships within the indigenous community.

Contact Andy

Use the form (below) to connect with Andy

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