Menno Place has one apartment building where the majority of the apartment suites are registered and licensed with Fraser Health as Assisted Living. This Assisted Living apartment building is Terrace East.

Along with enjoying the company of others at a noon lunch meal and evening meal, assisted living tenants enjoy the additional supports and peace of mind provided by 24/7 nursing support.

Assisted Living residents enjoy:

  • 2 meals / day (lunch and supper)
  • basic laundry and housekeeping
  • 24 hour / day emergency response
  • personal care and support for scheduled and unscheduled needs
  • organized programs to enhance quality of life

Residents in Terrace East qualify for additional support through an assessment process.

1. Assisted Living Subsidized by Fraser Health

  • Contact Fraser Health to set up an assessment of your needs – 1-855-412-2121
  • An assessment period is up to 90 days from first contact and including 3 months of observation if necessary.

Cost: 70% of last year’s net income

2. Privately Paid Assisted Living

  • Apply for tenancy in this building through our regular application form. Steps to Move in Information and Application  can be found  HERE or call 604.851.4000 with any questions.
  • We offer a preliminary assessment and personal support services such as family liaison, reminders, safety checks, assistance and comfort visits.


    Where are you living?

    In an Assisted Living Apartment Building. The care provided to you in this apartment is contracted by Fraser Health to a care provider, such as Menno Place.

    Terrace East is our Assisted Living Apartment Building

    What is life like for you?

    You need help with:

    • Personal Services
    • Meals
    • Housekeeping
    • Recreational Activities
    • Require a 24 hour response system

    How do you qualify for Fraser Health Subsidized Assisted Living?

    Contact Fraser Health to set up an assessment of your needs – 1-855-412-2121


    Where are you living?

    In Terrace East Assisted Living Apartment building

    What is life like for you?

    You need help with:

    • Personal Services
    • Meals
    • Housekeeping
    • Recreational Activities
    • Require 24 hour response system

    Click for Details and Photos

    Private Pay Assisted Living: Pricing listed at the above link

    Fraser Health Subsidized Assisted Living: 70% of after-tax income less taxes paid for the applicable year


Assisted Living is a housing and support services model for seniors combining homelike building features and private lockable living units (apartments) with hospitality, support and some care services.

Assisted Living is an independent living model so there is a strong emphasis on autonomy and independence, self-direction, making personal choices and decisions, and supporting dignity through privacy and individuality.

Decisions are made collaboratively between Fraser Health and Menno Apartment staff. Fraser Health has final say on subsidized Assisted Living applicants. All applications for entering the Subsidized Living program must go through the Intake and Assessment process at Fraser Health.

Housing and Hospitality Services include:

  • Living units contained in a 6 story beautifully decorated concrete and steel tower with the latest in fire safety systems and includes an underground vehicle and scooter garage – See Terrace East
  • A unit that contains a kitchenette including a compact refrigerator, a two-burner cook top, microwave, kitchen cupboards, living room, bedroom, large bathroom with step-in shower, a storage room and most units have a patio
  • The use of building amenities including a large dining room, resident lounges, a wellness centre and whirlpool spa
  • Two meals/day (lunch and supper), served in the common dining room
  • Refreshments and snacks throughout the day in the Bistro
  • Weekly laundry (towels and bed linens). Extra charges apply for personal laundry
  • Light weekly housekeeping. Extra charges apply for all non-routine cleaning
  • 24 hour emergency response

Personal Support Services include:

  • Staff on site 24 hours every day
  • Personal care and support for approved scheduled, and unscheduled needs as required 24 hours a day
  • Social and recreational opportunities to enhance quality of life for the residents
  • Monitoring and assistance with medications

To determine suitability for the Assisted Living Program; an application followed by a nursing assessment and tour with our staff are needed prior to acceptance to the waitlist. If you are receiving home support, please discuss your needs with your case manager first, and the case manager will assess your situation and advise accordingly.

Call: 604.851.4000 or Download an application off our website (See Step 4 on our Info Page)

A person can only be selected to move into an assisted living unit if the applicant meets ALL of the following criteria:

  • is a beneficiary (eligible for health services in the province of BC)
  • requires BOTH hospitality services and personal care services
  • is able to self-direct their own care
  • is at significant risk in their current living environment

People who are able to direct their own care:

  • are cognitively capable of making decisions regarding their own care relevant to the specific task
  • can communicate effectively, verbally or non-verbally through communication devices
  • have the ability to make informed voluntary decisions regarding their care
  • can participate in the development of their care plan or make their needs known to the person they are living with who participtes vicariously in the development of the person’s care plan
  • are able to use the emergency response system and take direction in an emergency situation

A Fraser Health case manager, in consultation with the Menno Place Team, are responsible for eligibility assessments for subsidized Assisted Living

A nurse assessment in consultation with the Menno Place Team are responsible for eligibility for Private Pay Assisted Living

Yes, unless there is another qualifying Assisted Living applicant form the community that is more urgently in need of available space. In that case, providing that Menno Apartments is in agreement regarding the applicant suitability, Fraser Health will authorize placement of the person from the community ahead of a qualified Menno Apartment Independent Living resident.

Not necessarily. Fraser Health is responsible for decisions about admissions to Menno Home or Menno Hospital (residential care), but because they support the “Campus  of Care” concept, Fraser Health will facilitate moves between the Menno Apartments Assisted Living and the Menno Home or Menno Hospital whenever possible.

Subsidized Assisted Living tenants pay a monthly rate calculated as 70% of their after-tax income (this could be as low as $750/month) up to a maximum amount, based on a combination of the market rent for housing and hospitality services for that geographic area, and the actual cost of personal care services.

After-tax income means the tenant’s net income less their taxes paid as shown in his or her tax return and confirmed by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for the applicable year. For two people it means the combined income and taxes in the appropriate year. In most cases, the 70% contribution is not sufficient to cover the approved monthly operating costs, so BC Housing and Fraser Health partner subsidize the difference to the Mennonite Benevolent Society.

Private Pay Assisted Living tenants pay for the whole portion of the rent and care services required. Tenant may apply for financial support from outside organizations like BC Housing SAFER program.

A tenant is required to move out of an assisted living unit if the tenant meets the following criteria:

  • is no longer able to self direct his or her own care
  • exhibits behaviours that jeopardize that tenant’s safety and well-being or the safety and well-being of others – or
  • is not complying with the terms of his or her Residency Agreement or Managed Risk Assessment
  • care needs exceed the allowed 1.5 hours maximum / day