CANCELLED – Concert in Care – May 7th

CANCELLED due to Hospital respiratory outbreak.

Apartments Recreation Highlights

Apartments Recreation Highlights

May 2019

Date Time Event Name Location
May 1st 2:30 PM Fashion Closet: Fashion Show Terrace East Dining Room
May 1st 3:00 – 4:30 PM Fashion Closet Terrace East 1st Floor Lounge
May 2nd AM (9:30 – 11:30) Bus Trip: Walmart Shopping  
May 2nd 2:00 PM Hearing Clinic Terrace East 1st Floor Lounge
May 2nd 3:30 PM Hearing Clinic Primrose Activity Room
May 3rd 2:00 PM Mariachi Band Hospital Chapel
May 3rd 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Fashion Closet Primrose Gardens TV Area
May 7th 10:30 AM Concert in Care Hospital Chapel
May 7th 7:30 PM Church of God in Christ Choir Primrose Dining Room
May 9th All Day Bus Trip: Van Dusen Gardens  
May 9th 2:30 PM Rexall Pharmacy Presents “Eye Health” Primrose Gardens Activity Room
May 13th 2:00 PM Rexall Pharmacy Presents “Eye Health” Terrace East 1st Floor Lounge
May 15th 2:30 PM Community Meeting Primrose Dining Room
May 17th 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Apartment wide

Ladies breakfast

Terrace Dining Room
May 21st 7:00 PM Church of God in Christ Choir Terrace Dining Room
May 22nd 2:30 PM Community Meeting Pavilion Dining Room
May 22nd 2:30 PM Birthday Party Terrace Dining Room
May 23rd 2:30 PM Birthday Party Primrose Dining Room
May 24th AM (9:30 -11:30) Bus Trip: Walmart  
May 24th PM (1:30 – 4:00) Bus Trip: Langley Potters Flower Shop  
May 24th 2:30 PM Birthday Party Pavilion Dining Room
May 25th 2:00 PM Jean’s Music School Hospital Chapel
May 27th 2:30 PM Community Meeting Terrace Dining Room
May 27th 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM Foot Care Nurse Pavilion Hair Salon
May 27th & 28th 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Foot Care Nurse Terrace Hair Salon
May 28th 7:00 PM Church of God in Christ Choir Pavilion Dining Room

Heidi’s Scarves & Jewellery

ELVIS – April 23rd

Introducing Smitha Varghese…

AVON @ Fireside – April 18th

You’re Invited: Family Support Group

Hetty & the Music Students

Influenza Policy Extension

BC is experiencing a second (back-to-back) influenza A wave due to unusual late-season A(H3N2) predominance. Usually the Provincial Health Officer, in consultation with medical health officers, notifies that implementation of the Influenza Policy can end by late March. However, it is clear that influenza is still very much in circulation and impacting people and health care services. This is not the first time implementation of the policy has been extended into April because of ongoing influenza activity.

We ask that you continue with the guidelines as per the Influenza Control Program Policy, in that all health care workers are required to wear a surgical/procedure mask when in a patient care area during influenza season if you have not received and reported your flu shot. The policy will remain in effect until further notice from my office.

Prevention is key and we all play a role – Please continue to be very diligent with hand hygiene and other infection prevention and control measures, and be vigilant when you see patients/clients displaying signs that could indicate a viral respiratory infection. Swiftly preventing spread of infection to others is critical, and reporting suspect outbreaks as soon as possible will result in prompt management and control activities.

Dr. Martin Lavoie
Vice President, Population Health and Chief Medical Health Officer

For more information, please visit Fraser Health Website

March 31 – Chapel Cancelled at Home and Hospital

Chapel at Menno Hospital and Menno Home cancelled on March 31st.