COR Certified for 2018!

WE DID IT!!! COR Certified again in 2018!

Menno Place has once again completed and passed a comprehensive external audit on it’s Occupational Health and Safety Program and received a Certificate of Recognition through the BC Municipal Safety Association. This is a grueling 5 day process with 41 staff being interviewed on the safety practices at Menno Place and evidence provided that we follow through on safety initiatives.

2017 was the first year of certification where Menno Place received a grade of 89%. During 2017 Menno Place saw a reduction of 65% to our Injury Time Loss Claims! This year our audit resulted in a grade of 95%! Thanks to the leadership, the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees and all the Staff for your work and attention to work safely at Menno Place!

May Events – Highlights for the Month

Here’s a list of just some of the events happening in May around the Menno Place Campus!

We encourage Families and Friends to join residents at these events as they are very special and wonderful to enjoy together.

Hand Hygiene Day May 14th CONTEST

Menno Place is proud to take part in STOP! Clean Your Hands Day on May 14.

This year’s theme is Clean your hands: the bug stops here! Cleaning your hands is one of the best way to prevent infections.

Reminder: File Income Tax for 2017

A reminder for those with a family member or loved one living in Menno Home or Menno Hospital.

Marshall Entrance Construction – May 3

Concert in Care – May 1st

Please join us at Menno Hospital Chapel on May 1st @ 10:30am


Menno Place staff, residents and families gathered together to show solidarity and support for the Humboldt Broncos, the survivors, their families and all who grieve at this time.

We sang O Canada and shared a prayer together.

Click to view the O Canada video on Facebook.



Walk for Alzheimer’s 2018

Join the Menno Place team for the 2018 Walk for Alzheimer’s. Together, we make memories matter.

PointClickCare – Launching in the Hospital – Launched in the Home

April 2018 marks the onboarding month for Menno Hospital’s Point of Care software launch. This launch took place last year in Menno Home. Point of Care is the interactive software that is updated through handheld devices. It allows our care teams to document resident care in real-time.

This person-centered platform provides a holistic view to all involved in care delivery for our residents. (Click to view PointClickCare website).

Greater intelligence, shared knowlege and access to all care partners results in confident decision-making and accurate care planning. Care and service plans revolve around the resident, which means that we deliver the highest quality of care, we mitigate risk, ensure compliance and strengthen relationships. In addition, this software continues to move our Paperless Project forward. This is our initiative to decrease the use of paper across our campus.

Thank you to all of the staff who have spearheaded this tranisition from paper-based documentation to electronic documentation – thanks to Sandra Ramsey who has customized the software for our use in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. We also thank Trish Giesbrecht, Manager of Care, Hospital for her leadership and vision for the use of this software for our residents. Both Sandra and Trish attended The Summit, 2018 in November to take in education and vision for how this software can improve our care and documentation here in residential care.

Our care teams are using hand-held devices (ipod or ipad) to record their care services and to document in real-time. It may appear that they are using their cell phone while at work. This is not the case! In fact, they are documenting the services they have just provided to a resident.  The accuracy of recording is incredible and the sharing of information is beyond what we have ever been able to have in the past. This will ensure quality of care for our residents and consistency regardless of who is providing the care that day.

What an exciting time this is! Please continue to encourage our care teams we move into this new technology and as we serve our residents in this way.

Flu period extended indefinitely

Dr. Henry of the BCCDC (BC Centre for Disease Control) has extended the flu period indefinitely.

All visitors are required to have the flu shot or to wear a mask. Masks are provided at the sign-in station.

We will notify you when the flu period is over.