Joy Jump – Click for Joy-Inducing Quote


Bringing JOY to the residents at Menno Place

Joy To The World


Merry Christmas!

In this Christmas Season, we thank God as we reflect on the past year of bringing God’s love and presence to the 700 residents entrusted to our care.

This is a season where JOY is celebrated in the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Our staff and volunteers experience great JOY in their work as they provide compassionate care to our residents throughout each day.

What makes working at Menno Place meaningful for our staff?

It’s the knowledge that our skills, expertise and kindness bring joy-filled moments to our residents. We find delight when we see a resident enjoying their meal, their recreation, their spiritual life and their friendships.

In 2015, we opened the Living Waters Garden which is a perfect example of how delighted our staff are to create opportunities for JOY-filled moments for our residents. From design concept to daily use, our staff continue to find deep satisfaction as they create opportunities for residents to enjoy the garden space and beautiful fountains. Thank you to all who donated to this inspiring garden!

This past September, we threw the biggest party in the history of Menno Place to celebrate National Grandparents Day! More than 600 people experienced joy and laughter that day! The stories of JOY-filled moments on the Menno Place campus would fill a giant book if we could tell all of how our team takes the initiative to create moments of joy and connection.

One way we create JOY-filled moments is to focus on “person-centered care”. Increasingly, our emphasis is on person-centered care. This continues to shift our daily routines from doing activities “for” a resident to doing activities “with” a resident. Families are increasingly included in the processes and decisions that impact resident’s care and their lifestyle. When we understand what each resident desires, we bring true joy in their life.

Secondly, we create joy by moving toward a more homelike environment and away from an institutional environment. In the coming year, we will crate a more homelike environment beginning with Menno Home east side. A homelike environment is a comfortable place to find peace and joy.

Our third way of creating JOY-filled moments is to ensure opportunities for smiles and connection on the Menno Place campus. Christmas time is a particularly meaningful time to create JOY-filled moments. Many seniors are isolated and would love to connect through a personal visit at this time of year. Would you take some extra time to visit with a senior this Christmas season?

With your help, in 2016, we will create more opportunities for JOY – we plan to build a mini golf course, giant outdoor chess board and purchase three specialty bicycles for residents and their families to enjoy Mill Lake Park.

Residents and families have already donated $26,000 toward this $90,000 JOY-filled initiative!

Will you join with us in increasing JOY-filled moments by giving a tax-deductible donation to Menno Place this Christmas Season?

As another year comes to a close, we want to take time to sincerely give thanks to all the individuals who bring JOY-filled moments to Menno Place seniors – and to God, who is the instigator of JOY! It was at the birth of His Son that He announced His desire to bring JOY to all people.

May God grant you and your family His peace and blessing for Christmas and the coming New Year!






Gerd Bartel, President, Mennonite Benevolent Society Board






Karen L. Baillie, CEO, Menno Place


Wishing you a Joy-filled New Year!

Every Tuesday at 9am, staff and residents from across the campus meet in the Menno Hospital Chapel for a time of prayer. You are invited to join us!

A short devotional is led with a reminder of God’s Word and prayer requests are shared. Following the sharing, prayers are lifted to God – silently and in spoken word. One by one prayers are shared. Often a tear slides down the cheek of one who is sharing in the prayer circle. Sometimes as God’s love and kindness touches their heart, sometimes as they allow themselves to feel the suffering of others, sometimes for their own sufferings.

As we prepared for the New Year, Ingrid Schultz, Menno Place chaplain led us in the devotional and to the heart of God. She reminded us of how the Psalmist opened his heart to God in Psalm 103 and found gratitude for life…

Bless the Lord, O my soul…. and all that is within me bless His holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul… and forget not all His benefits,

We then shared with each other our gratitude for experiences, people and understandings with each other and then we prayed -for those in the circle, for those whose names were brought forward and for all whose lives are touched by the service and care at Menno Place. We prayed for you.

Here is a New Year’s Prayer for you…


bless this year

giving us

time for the task

peace for the pathway

wisdom for the work

friends for the fireside

love to the last.


From The Mothers’ Union Anthology of Public Prayers


January – Alzheimer Awareness Month – What Can You Do?

Life doesn’t end when Alzheimer’s begins. People living with dementia can continue to participate in life and contribute to their communities in their own way, even as the disease progresses.

Three ways to be there:

  1. Be a Friend
    Become a Dementia Friend  – someone who learns a little bit more about what it’s like to live with dementia and then turns that understanding into simple actions that can help people with dementia live well. Learn More
  2. Be Informed
    Do you think it’s possible to live well with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias? Take the Quiz
  3. Be A Supporter
    Donate to fund research into the causes and cure for Alzheimer’s disease; Donate to provide services and support to people living with dementia; Donate to educate Canadians about the needs of people with dementia, their families and caregivers. Donate Now


Watch the video and join the conversation –

Concert in Care – January 5 – You’re Invited!

Families & Friends are invited to enjoy our next Concert in Care

Since 2006, over 8,000 high-quality professional Concerts in Care have brought the rich experience of performance arts to people in residential care across Canada.

Date: January 5, 2015

Time: 10:30 am

Location: Hospital Chapel

Harpist Janelle Nadeau’s performances showcase a range of musical genres from Celtic, Spanish, classical and popular songs. She is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a major in Harp Performance. She is a member of the ensemble Winter Harp, a guest performer in various orchestras, and enjoys a career of performing around the lower mainland. Janelle was a member of the National Youth Orchestra of Canada, Celebrity Cruises, has performed numerous solo tours and has won various awards. Her classical training, combined with her personal contemporary repertoire, provides a refreshing approach to the harp. Janelle’s small town farming roots are reflected in her warm engagement with each audience as she introduces each selection.

Family & Friends Network – December 17

Come and join us to discover how family and friends can be supported and involved in residents’ lives at Menno Home and Hospital.

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

1:30 – 2:30pm
Menno Home Chapel

Refreshments will be served.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Dan Janzen – Social Worker
Ruth Neufeld – Social Services

Five Wheelchairs Donated to Menno Place Seniors!

When the Clearbrook Mennonite Church on Peardonville Road in Abbotsford, BC came to the realization that they would need to close their doors, they began to pray for ways that their remaining funds could benefit charities that were close to their hearts. This was difficult after 62 years of vibrant ministry in the Clearbrook area of Abbotsford, BC.

One of the practical questions that needed resolution was how to disperse the remaining funds of the church. A long-time member of Clearbrook Mennonite Church immediately had a suggestion. Her husband spent some time as a resident at Menno Place when he was ailing at the end of his life. It was there that this church member became aware of the need for good condition wheelchairs for the residents and recommended a sizeable donation to Menno Place to purchase brand new basic wheelchairs for residents in need.

With the donation from Clearbrook Mennonite Church, Menno Place was able to purchase 5 wheelchairs with specialized cushions and tension-adjustable backs. When an elderly senior is no longer mobile, the occupational therapist assesses their mobility needs and may recommend a wheelchair for the individual. Historically, the cost of a wheelchair is not covered by most care facilities.

On January 1, 2016, all residential care facilities in BC will be required to provide a basic wheelchair to residents who are prescribed one as a medically required piece of mobility equipment. At this time the Ministry of Health is in discussions about how this will be funded.

At Menno Place, we are grateful for the donations from the community that provide us with the capacity to better serve our elderly and frail residents. Thank you to Clearbrook Mennonite Church for considering the practical needs of seniors and making this significant contribution!

MennoPlace-Wheelchair-Donation MennoPlace-Wheelchair-Donation2

Menno Home Christmas Memorial Service: December 8th at 6:30pm


You are invited to join us as we celebrate and honour the lives of our Menno Home residents that have passed away since last Christmas.

Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Time: 6:30pm

Location: Menno Hospital Chapel

Refreshments Following the Service: Multi-Purpose Room

Join us in the multi-purpose room following the service, for light refreshments and an opportunity to visit with residents, families and friends.

Family and Friends Group – Thursday, December 17th: 1:30pm – 2:30pm

We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at our Family & Friends group meeting on Thursday, December 17 from 1:30-2:30 in Menno Home Chapel. We will have 2 guest presenters: Sharon Simpson, Director of Communications & Stakeholder Engagement and Joanne Sweeney, Volunteer Manager for Menno Place. We would also like to invite your loved one for this special Christmas meeting to enjoy a time of sharing and refreshment together.

Family & Friends provides an opportunity for two-way communication with the care facility, but also is a forum to share experiences, learn and exchange information. Sharing with others can be supportive and encouraging.

We value your input, so if you have suggestions for a guest presenter either from the facility or in the community, please let us know. Learning about dementia, caregiver stress, depression, legal issues, etc helps us all.

Best Wishes,

Dan Janzen (Social Worker) and Ruth Neufeld (Social Services)

Family & Friends Network – November 19th

Come and join us to discover how family and friends can be supported and involved in residents’ lives at Menno Home and Hospital.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

1:30 – 2:30pm
Menno Home Chapel

Refreshments will be served.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Dan Janzen – Social Worker
Ruth Neufeld – Social Services

Fall Calendar:

Time: 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Location: Menno Home Chapel
Thursday, December 17