Grateful Community Volunteer Celebrates 100th Birthday

On January 6, 2015, Siegfried Bartel smiled with content surrounded by his family and friends who celebrated his 100th Birthday.

Born in a time when the US House of Representatives was denying women the vote, neon tubes were patented and the first coast-to-coast long distance call was made, Siegfried has lived through the incredible and rapid changes of the 20th and 21st centuries. World War 1 had just begun to rage across Europe when Siegfried’s mother prayed a prayer of blessing upon her unborn child.

Growing up in Prussia (Poland) in a Mennonite community, Siegfried enjoyed a privileged life earned by the hard labour of his farming family. As a young boy, he watched his father extend grace to a man whose drunken negligence caused a train accident that took the lives of his mother and oldest brother.

It was natural for a man of German descent to enlist in the German Army and Siegfried did so in 1937 before the second world war. When the war erupted in September of 1939, he found himself in an army that eventually brought horrors to others and convinced Siegfried that pacifism was the only sane response to killing and war.

During the war, Siegfried married Erna and started a family. Seven boys were born into his family as Siegfried went back to farming to earn a living. In 1951, he received refugee help through Mennonite Central Committee ( to re-establish his life in Canada becoming a dairy farmer in Agassiz, BC. Siegfried became an active participant in the community as well as serving in leadership with MCC from 1972 – 1987, grateful for how he had received refugee help in his time of need.

Siegfried’s birthday celebration was a vibrant afternoon party with friends and residents from Menno Home joining in the festivities. Five sons, six daughter-in-laws, one grandson and one great-granddaughter and the staff of Menno Place celebrated as well. Siegfried’s older brother, Hans, age 103 came over from Primrose Gardens Apartments with his wife to celebrate his brother’s life and enjoy a delicious piece of home-made cake and some German music. Ingrid Schultz, Chaplain, shared highlights of Siegfried’s life of faith and a prayer of blessing upon his life and the lives of those who love him.

Siegfried is the author of two books, Living with Conviction and Journey to Pacifism. In these books, he shares his life’s story and resulting convictions about pacifism and dedication to others in need. Happy 100th Birthday, Siegfried from your friends at Menno Place, Abbotsford Retirement Home.


Families & Friends – You’re Invited! Concert in Care – January 6th, 2015

Janelle Nadeau, Harp

You’re invited to join a resident or tenant at Menno Place for this Concert in Care!

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015 at 10:30am

Menno Hospital Chapel (enter through the main entrance of Menno Hospital – 32945 Marshall Road)

Harpist Janelle Nadeau’s performances showcase a range of musical genres from Celtic, Spanish, classical and popular songs.  She is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a major in Harp Performance. She is a member of the ensemble Winter Harp, a guest performer in various orchestras, and enjoys a career of performing around the lower mainland.  Janelle was a member of the National Youth Orchestra of Canada, Celebrity Cruises, has performed numerous solo tours and has won various awards. Her classical training, combined with her personal contemporary repertoire, provides a refreshing approach to the harp.  Janelle’s small town farming roots are reflected in her warm engagement with each audience as she introduces each selection.

Ballet Therapy for Seniors at Menno Place

What an incredible opportunity for our residents at Menno Place to participate in the ballet therapy program that was featured on the Intergenerational Dance Project. This project was from the Centre for Education and Research on Aging at the University of the Fraser Valley. Lee Kwidzinski, Mission-based dance instructor is leading the children and our residents in a weekly dance class.

Christmas at Menno Place

Christmas is a magical time at Menno Place with all the lights, decorations and Christmas spirit! Thank you to another set of elves who donated their time and talents to decorate and make everything so beautiful at the Fireside Cafe.

Christmas Elves visit Menno Place

85 high school students from Abbotsford Christian High School joined us this week to “bring Christmas to Menno Place”. They worked tirelessly throughout the campus to decorate Christmas trees, fireplaces, activity centers, dining rooms, the courtyard and the Fireside Cafe.

In addition to Christmas decorations, they worked in our gardens. Ben, a gardner at Menno Place said, “They did an entire week’s worth of work in 3 hours. Thank you!”

Thank you to each and every one of you for participating as Santa’s Little Helpers here at Menno Place this week!

Family, Friends & Residents Newsletter

Beginning in January 2015, we will be sending out a monthly email newsletter for family and friends of residents who live on the Menno Place campus. This email newsletter will contain information about events and happenings at Menno Place. It will also include updates to policies, messages from the CEO and opportunities for donation to special projects

The Apartments – Walking Club

The Apartments enjoyed a weekly Walking Club this fall. More than 50 residents were involved at all levels! The recreation team along with the wellness nurse team put together an excellent initiative that motivated residents to walk in groups – many walked around Mill Lake each week. Each certificate celebrated the number of steps recorded by the resident’s pedometer.

Have you discovered the Fireside Cafe?

Have you discovered the Fireside Cafe? Located at the main entrance of the Menno Hospital, the Fireside Cafe serves delicious breakfasts and lunches along with Italian coffees and home made desserts.

What’s on the menu?

Silver Valet Dental Program at Menno Place

We are pleased to introduce a new partnership with Silver Valet Dental Care effective October 1, 2014.

Silver Valet will be providing comprehensive on-site dental services to our residents and tenants. Silver’s team of dental professionals will come directly to Menno Place and provide preventative and restorative dental care in the comfort of a fully equipped mobile clinic. All dental assessments for residents at the Home and Hospital will take place at the bedside and/or designated room on the unit. Any further dental treatment will be performed in the clinical van unless the resident is unable to transfer to the van.

If you have any questions please contact:

  • Director of Care – Menno Home & Menno Hospital
  • Manager of Housing Operations – The Apartments

Contact information:

Reception: 604.770.4701

Dr. Salima Dadani: 604.761.0069 (cell)


Silver Valet Dental – Click to watch video

Garden Project 2014

The Garden Project is an initiative made possible through the generous donations of residents who live in The Apartments. This project raised $65,000 to create a peaceful garden to be enjoyed by all residents, families and visitors of the Menno Place campus. Residents will enjoy a walk-around garden, a huge gazebo for special events, two spectacular water features, an abundance of beautiful foliage and many places to rest along the way. Donations are being received to purchase the benches for the garden.