A new concrete ramp makes dental work easier!

Today, the Silver Valet Dental Care and Menno Place partnership went to another level! The inagural ride  on the new concrete access path via wheelchair was taken by Karen Baillie, CEO – guided by Matt.

When we noticed that the Silver Valet Dental Care van was parked far from our entrance in order to accommodate wheelchairs, we knew it was time to make an access path.

Bas Kervel, Manager of Maintenance and Facilities – along with his maintenance team – created an easy access path that allows the dental patient to easily make their way under cover into the mobile dental van.

Silver Valet Dental Care provides comprehensive, on-site oral health services for residents and tenants on the Menno Place campus. They have state-of-the-art equipment and wheelchair accessibility, providing safe, convenient access to preventative and therapeutic oral healthcare.

What a great day! Creating a pathway that allows residents to remain under cover (especially in the rain) was a WIN!