Menno Place Alerts – Subscribe now

Menno Place now has a real-time alert system that can be used to communicate with families and friends in the event of an emergency or flu outbreak.

Three ways to receive alerts:

  1. Email notifications – daily at 8am as the information is posted. No updates if there is no new information.
  2. Webpage – real-time updates on
  3. Twitter account – @MennoPlaceAlert – real-time updates via Twitter

Thank you to a family member who used our Compliments and Concerns online form to request real-time information about the Flu Outbreaks on the campus. She said,

You are all exemplary. We appreciate all the multi levels of care that are given to our loved ones. So this is not a complaint, just an observation. I just think it would be beneficial to all families if the caregivers could be notified immediately in the event of any outbreaks (a simple form email would do). Then the caregivers in turn could choose to whom they would pass on the information.

Upon receiving this suggestion, we began to create a system that would update family members in a timely fashion, while providing education on what to do with and for a loved one.

A new Twitter account @MennoPlaceAlert and webpage was launched to convey information about flu outbreaks. This same communication system will also be used to send emails when a new update is available.

Along with information about flu outbreaks, this new communication stream will be used to provide real-time updates in the case of emergency. In the case of a fire, earthquake, safety concern or power outage, you will be able to find pertinent information through the Menno Place Alert system.

How can you sign up?

In February, all subscribers to the Menno Place Family & Friends email newsletter will receive an invitation to also sign up for the @MennoPlaceAlerts