Heidi’s Scarves – March 12th

Menno Place Precautions around COVID 19 Virus

At Menno Place, the health of our residents is our top priority.

At this time, the novel coronavirus (named COVID-19, its official name) situation continues to evolve. Menno Place works with Fraser Health to monitor the national and provincial novel coronavirus situation. The BC Centre for Disease Control and the Public Health Agency of Canada work closely with Fraser Health.

The most up-to-date information about novel coronavirus can be found through informed, evidence-based sources like the Fraser Health Corona Virus web page: www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/coronavirus/coronavirus-questions-general-public

Another website for information about 2019-nCoV, Corona Virus is here: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/coronavirus

The Public Health Agency of Canada has created a toll-free phone number (1-833-784-4397) to answer questions from Canadians about novel coronavirus as well.

What should you do?

Follow the same procedures that are recommended during cold and flu season. This includes washing your hands often with soap and water; covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; avoiding others who are unwell; and staying home when you are sick.

Visitors. Vendors and Staff

If you have been to an affected place in the last 14 days OR had contact with somebody with Coronavirus – DO NOT VISIT OR COME TO MENNO PLACE.


Walk for Alzheimer’s 2020

Join the Menno Place team for the 2018 Walk for Alzheimer’s. Together, we make memories matter.

Concert in Care – March 3rd

Jewelry – Have you lost any?

From time to time, jewelry is found on the Menno Place campus. Despite our attempts to connect with the rightful owner, we have not always been successful. Jewelry is kept in a safe waiting for its owner to claim it. If you have lost a piece of jewelry, please call 604-851-4004 to describe it. Please call us before April 30th. After that date, we will dispose of any jewelry that is unclaimed.

Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment

We are pleased to announce that Cheryl Dawes has accepted the position of Manager, Community Enrichment in the Apartments. She will oversee both the Assisted Living and Independent Living needs in our Apartments – 350 residents. Cheryl reports to Sharon Simpson, Director of Community Enrichment.

Cheryl has most recently worked as the Resident Experience Partner at Sienna Senior Living, developing the strategy and overseeing the implementation of Policy and Procedure for 8 residential care communities in Fraser Health and Interior Health. Prior to that role, Cheryl was the General Manager of Cascade Lodge, Campus of Care (including Hospice) in Chilliwack, BC. Cheryl brings years of experience in both managing Assisted Living and Hospice Care. Cheryl is an LPN.

We look forward to her wealth of experience and leadership as she helps us to meet and exceed the needs of seniors living in Independent / Supportive Living as well as Private-Pay Assisted Living and Fraser Health subsidized Assisted Living.

Cheryl starts on February 24th with an orientation week. Please give her a warm welcome as she orients herself to the campus, the seniors who live here and the staff who are the Heart of Menno Place!

Hedy & Students Music Recital

Flu Season: Don’t Forget to Wear Your Flu Season Visitor Badge!

During Flu Season (December through March), all visitors at Menno Home, Hospital, and Terrace East must wear a mask or have the flu vaccination.

At all sign-in areas, you will find a badge to wear. For one-time visits, there are stick-on badges for you to indicate that you’ve had a flu shot or that you are choosing to wear a mask. Masks are also available at the sign-in area.

For frequent visitors, you can choose a clip-on badge which you can keep. A pink badge indicates that you have had a flu shot. A green badge indicates that you have not had a flu shot and are electing to wear a mask.

Thank you for protecting your family and friends at Menno Home from the spread of influenza!


Concert in Care – Feb 4th