Accredited with the highest possible standing by Accreditation Canada

Menno Place (Home and Hospital) earn Exemplary Standing, meeting or exceeding 99.2% of Accreditation standards

Accreditation Canada has issued its formal decision letter congratulating Menno Place for achiving Accreditation with Exemplary Standing – the highest possible designation for an accredited organization.

Every four years, a team of Accreditation Canada surveyors are invited to Menno Home and Menno Hospital to evaluate every area of our care for seniors, including quality, safety and efficiency. Based on the site visit in October, Accreditation Canada has stated that Menno Home and Hospital have exceeded 99.2% of the Accreditation standards.

The on-site Accreditation survey team was impressed with the partnership Menno Place has with the Enhanced Residential Care Program (ERCP) that is a partnership with the Abbotsford Division of Family Practice. They also observed how we are working on enhancing our behavioural and psychologica symptoms of dementia programming to ensure that care is aligned with leading practices.

We were commended on our focus on resident and family centered care that involves working collaboratively with residents and their families to provide care and service that is respectful, compassionate, culturally safe, and competent while being response to the resident and family’s needs, values, cultural backgrounds, beliefs and preferences.

The Accreditation survey team was impressed with the way we care for seniors at the end of their lives, offering compassionate palliative care and symptom management. They noted our special way of saying “good-bye” with the Passing Quilts and our meaningful Butterfly Release celebration.

Accreditation with Exemplary Standing is an excellent achievement and a clear measure of the work we do every day here at Menno Place.

Congratulations to the Mennonite Benevolent Society Board, the Leadership Team, the Staff, the Therapuetic Staff, Physicians and the Volunteers for the tremendous amount of work that is done each day to ensure that residents and their families receive the highest possible quality of care and life, every day.


Book Review – A Vision for the Aging Church; Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors

We’ve started a series of book reviews – all about books on aging! This month, Barrie McMaster reviews a book written for the aging church. Read the review here…

Help Us Fight The Flu

The Great Canadian Mobility Challenge!

Concert in Care – November 6th

Remembrance Day Ceremony

Family Council – Home & Hospital

You are invited to join us!

Family and Friends (Family Council) Connections

Thursday, November 15th
*New Time 3:00 – 4:00pm
*New Location Hospital Conference Room
(Front Entrance of Menno Hospital near Fireside Café – little hallway to your left just past Receptionist – Leslie’s desk)
Coffee, Tea, Refreshments are provided

On November 15, 2018, Kim Cantwell (Menno Home Care Manager) will speak to Family Council on Infection Control and the importance of educating residents, families and staff towards prevent infection in residential care. We will also focus on our support based discussion that started last month. Not everyone understands the journey you are on, and as family members, you share similar experiences and emotions. Our hope is that you will feel encouraged, supported and strengthened to continue this ongoing journey with your loved one.
At last months Family Council meeting, members provided their ideal availability for Family Council and the Support Group. The majority suggested every third Thursday, every second month from 3-4pm. Due to the time change, we will now be meeting in the Menno Hospital Conference Room from 3-4pm. Please contact Social Workers Dan Janzen or Kim Wiebe for directions if need be.

DB’s Books & Gifts @ Fireside

Flu Clinic for Menno Family, Friends & Staff

DB’s Books & Gifts @ Fireside