Hymn Stories – February 2024

This month’s hymn is Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty penned by English minister, Reginald Heber, in the early 19th century. Heber was a gifted poet and hymnist who faithfully served his small congregation. After his death, his widow discovered he had written over 50 hymns. She succeeded in publishing his work and brought them to the forefront of the Christian community.

Click to listen.

Jessy Manhas – Manager of People & Culture

Our recruitment journey has taken some time, but I am so very pleased to announce that we are at the end of our search.  Jessy Manhas has been awarded the position and will start in her new role effective January 29th. 

Hymn Stories – January 2024

January’s hymn is Trusting Jesus. This textually and musically simple expression of child-like trust in Jesus has met the daily spiritual needs of many of God’s people to the present time.

Click to listen.

Celebrating 70 Years of Compassionate Care – Watch Now

Over the past 70 years Menno Place has provided trusted care to more 27,000 seniors. As part of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary we interviewed current and former staff and residents about the impact Menno Place has had in their lives.  These are their stories.

Hymn Stories – December 2023

Joy is the keynote of the entire Advent season, especially for the Christian, who realizes its spiritual significance – God Himself invading this world and providing a means whereby sinful man might live eternally. Joy to the World is generally considered to be one of the most joyous Christmas hymns in existence, not in the sense of merry-making, but in the deep and solemn realization of what Christ’s birth has meant to mankind. Find out more about this hymn by Isaac Watts.

Click to listen.

Jacob Doss – Manager of Dining Experience

Jacob will begin his work at Menno Place on November 27th, orienting with with Angela Ross-Fehr in her final weeks prior to her retirement.

Hymn Stories – November 2023

I am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus is one of the child-like, but beautiful expressions from the soul of the esteemed English poetess, Frances Ridley Havergal, often referred to as “the Sweetest Voice of Hymnody.” Find out more about this hymn!

Click to listen.

Join us for tea! Celebrating 70 years of care at Menno Place

You’re invited!

For 70 years Menno Place has provided hope, dignity, and compassion to more than 25,000 seniors in Abbotsford.  Secure in that legacy of care now it’s time to build for the generations to come.

Please join us as we celebrate 70 years of trusted care with a tea reception on Thursday, November 23, 2023. Come and go from 1pm – 3pm in the Menno Hospital Chapel (32945 Marshall Road, complimentary parking).

At Menno Place it’s not just about a bed, food, and medical care. It’s about the incredible staff, volunteers, and donors who make it possible for our 700 residents to live their best lives.

Come join us as we celebrate this milestone and look forward to another 70 years of compassionate Christian care for the seniors in our community.

Reserve your free ticket at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/743920094027

Menno Place Celebrates 70 Years! from Menno Place on Vimeo.

Hymn Stories – October 2023

The writer of Count Your Blessings, Rev. Johnson Oatman Jr., was one of the important and prolific gospel song writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Find out more about this gospel song!

Click to listen.

Hymn Stories – September 2023

The Love of God, written and composed by Frederick M. Lehman by 1919, has its roots in a Jewish poem, written in Germany in the eleventh century. The Jewish poem, Hadamut, in the Aramaic language, has ninety couplets. Find out more about this gospel song!

Click to listen.