Residential Care Survey – for Residents and Families – Coming in the Fall of 2016


On May 9, 2016, BC’s Senior Advocate, Isobel Mackenzie  announced the launch of a province-wide Residential Care Survey of 27,000 residents living in 303 publicly-subsidized care homes in British Columbia.

The survey will take place in the fall of 2016 and will explore a range of questions on privacy, food, safety and security, comfort, respect and responsiveness of staff, personal relationships, medications and activities.

Residents will be interviewed in-person along with their most frequent visitor, who is usually a family member. The family member will be sent a mail-out survey. It will not be available online.

This survey will be conducted by volunteers contracted by the office of the Seniors Advocate. They will give approx. 30 hours of their time to survey residents of care homes across British Columbia. Are you interested in joining the volunteer team? Click here for more information:

We are looking forward to the opportunity to hear from our residents and family members through this survey.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the survey. Your thoughts and feedback are key to the quality of life and compassionate care experienced by residents at Menno Place.

Do you have a Compliment, Concern or Improvement Idea at this time?
Please fill out our Connection Form to let us know. If you are unable to fill this form out online, please come to the office to see us.

If you have any questions about how the Residential Care Survey will take place at Menno Home and Menno Hospital, please contact Sharon Simpson –, 604.859.7631 x.249



BC Care Providers Annual Conference 2015

The 38th Annual BCCPA Conference (BC Care Providers Association) was attended by two members of the Mennonite Benevolent Society Board, along with the entire Executive Team. We are grateful to a member of the MBS Board who offered their place in Whistler to reduce cost, permitting the entire Executive Team to participate.

The theme of the conference was “Sustainability through innovation”. There were more than 24 thought-provoking workshops, 60 speakers and over 70 vendors in the Exhibitor Marketplace.

Speakers included:

  • Dr. Darryl Plecas, MLA, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health for Seniors
  • Daniel Fontaine, CEO BCCPA
  • Robert Ghiz, former Premier of PEI and co-lead of the first Health Care Innovation Working Group (HCIWG)
  • Dr. Sacha Bhatia, Director of the Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care at Women’s College Hospital, Evaluation Lead for choose Wisely Canada
  • Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of geriatrics at Mount Sinai and the UHN hospitals, Provincial Lead, Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
  • Dr. Ryan D’Arcy, Professor and BC Leadership Chair in Medical Technologies at Simon Fraser University and Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation
  • Sharon Simpson, Director Communications and Marketing at Menno Place spoke on a panel on the topic, “Incorporating faith in a non-faith based care home (addressing spiritual needs of individuals in non-faith based care home).”

Topics included:

  • The Innovation Paradigm: Delivering Excellence and Sustainability in Continuing Care
  • Spiritual Care of People with Dementia: A Creative Approach
  • Creating a Change Platform: Quality Improvement in Residential Care “Safer Care for Older Persons in Residential Environments”
  • The Changing Face of Residential Care
  • Music for Living – Concerts in Care
  • How the Smartphone and mHealth Technologies will Transform Healthcare
  • Reawakening the Connection: A presentation on technology and person-centered care
  • Revisiting End-of-Life in Canada

The conference is a reminder that innovation is necessary in these changing times. As the demand for senior care increases, there is a need to provide care in new ways, to use technology to increase effectiveness and to collaborate in order to create synergy.

Dr. Darryl Plecas announced $50,000 in funding to the Health and Arts Society and Concerts in Care. Menno Place regularly enjoys the musical talents of the Concerts in Care program.

Concert in Care – June 7th at 10:30AM – You’re Invited!

You are invited to join with residents for this beautiful professional concert! No admission cost.

Tuesday, June 7 at 10:30am in the Menno Hospital Chapel



The Onyx Trio was formed in 2014 out of a deep desire to explore and share the repertoire of the last one hundred years. Ever since Claude Debussy composed his remarkable Sonata for Flute, Viola, and Harp in 1915, many great composers have tried their hand at this unique and colourful combination of instruments. The Onyx Trio is dedicated to the performance of these works as well as working alongside composers of the 21stcentury in the commissioning and creation of new music for flute, viola, and harp.

The Onyx Trio is comprised of Joy Yeh, harp; Mark Takeshi McGregor, flute; and Marcus Takizawa, viola. All three musicians are fixtures of the BC music scene and can be frequently heard performing with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Vancouver Opera Orchestra, Turning Point Ensemble, Aventa Ensemble, and Vancouver New Music Ensemble.

















Keeping Vigil at End of Life – Training Session – June 10th from 9am – 3:30pm

Are you interested in supporting people at the end of their life? We invite you to join us for a training session to learn about how to provide spiritual support at the end of a person’s life.

Training: June 10

Time: 9am – 3:30pm

Cost: $10 – payable at the event

Lunch: included

Register: email to register

phone Ingrid Shultz: 604.851.7396

Click to download PDF Version of Poster




Family and Friends Network – June 16

Come and join us to discover how family and friends can be supported and involved in residents’ lives at Menno Home and Hospital.

Thursday, June 16th, 2016
1:30 – 2:30pm
Menno Hospital Chapel

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Dan Janzen – Social Worker
Ruth Neufeld – Social Services

Need a Place to Stay while visiting Menno Place? Here are two great ideas!

Are you looking for somewhere to stay in Abbotsford while you visit a relative at Menno Place?

Menno Place has four beautifully appointed guest suites for relatives and family friends of Menno Place residents to use. They are located in Primrose Gardens, Terrace West and Pavilion.

If you would like to book one of these guest suites, call 604.851.4000. These suites are not available for the general public to use.

If the Menno Place guest suites are booked, take a look at the MCC Deer Trail Guest House. The guesthouse is owned and operated by Mennonite Central Committee British Columbia

Rates are reasonable and rooms are available for one day, several days or short-term lodging. Click for Rates  |  Location

These guest suites are available for the public to book.

Keystone Architecture Primrose Gardens Interior

Keystone Architecture Primrose Gardens Interior


Family and Friends Network – May 19

Come and join us to discover how family and friends can be supported and involved in residents’ lives at Menno Home and Hospital.

Thursday, May 19th, 2016
1:30 – 2:30pm
Menno Hospital Chapel

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Dan Janzen – Social Worker
Ruth Neufeld – Social Services

SafeCare BC Welcomes New Board Member – Jeanette Lee

Menno Place is pleased that Jeanette Lee. Director, Human Resources will be serving as the Not-for-Profit Employer Representative on the SafeCareBC Board.

Jeanette Lee has worked in the area of Human Resources for 18 years. She sees how the Continuing Care sector needs to be well-informed when it comes to occupational health and safety, knowing that care staff have the highest risk of injury at work.

Click to read more about Jeanette Lee and her role on the SafeCare BC Board.



Established in 2013, SafeCare BC (SCBC) is an industry funded, non-profit society working to ensure injury free, safe working conditions for long term care (LTC) workers in BC. SafeCare strives to be the industry leader in advancing injury prevention and safety training for LTC workers. We are committed to improving health and safety within the work place and responding to the needs and priorities of our members.

SafeCare maintains a strong emphasis on injury prevention in the field of long term care through the following methods:

  • Offering online/in-person learning for health care professionals working in the long term care sector
  • Improving health and safety protocols within the workplace
  • Providing management with training on creating and fostering an organizational culture of safety
  • Providing materials and resources to support safer workplaces.

Did You Know?

Continuing care workers experience more time-loss injuries than almost any other occupation.
