Menno Place Campus is one of the largest senior's care campuses in British Columbia. There are 700 seniors living on 11 acres across from the Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Menno Place is governed by the Mennonite Benevolent Society which founded faith-based seniors care on this location in 1953.
Menno Place
32945 Marshall Road
Abbotsford, BC V2S 1K1
More Information: 604.851.4000
Dr. Pooja Mishra – Executive Director of Care Services
/in Getting to Know Our TeamPooja will be joining us Tuesday, September 5th as the Executive Director responsible for Long Term Care and Assisted Living. Working in dyad partnership with Dr. Ken Dueck, she will join the executive team in expanding our relationships with key stakeholders and leading clinical strategies to support resident and family centred care and aging in place.
Hymn Stories – August 2023
/in Family and FriendsThe beloved gospel hymn, All The Way My Savior Leads Me, written by Franny Crosby was the expression of gratitude to God after a direct and peculiar answer to prayer. Find out more about this hymn!
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Menno Place Awarded Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada
/in Family and Friends, NewsJuly 17, 2023
When your aging loved one needs more care. QUALITY MATTERS.
When you see the Accreditation Canada seal, you can be certain that the healthcare organization is working hard to meet the Accreditation Canada standards to deliver safe, high-quality care.
Menno Place completes the Accreditation Canada on-site survey because better quality means better health.
Congratulations to the MBS Board, Menno Place Team and Accreditation Team for the successful on-site survey done in October 2022. Accreditation Canada has provided Menno Place with the decision on our Accreditation standing:
This is the highest level of accreditation that can be obtained through Accreditation Canada.
We are proud of our Menno Place Team and this achievement of excellence!
Hymn Stories – July 2023
/in Family and FriendsWritten and published in 1833, O Worship the King, is considered one of the finest hymns from the early nineteenth century Romantic Era. It has often been called a model hymn for worship. Find out more about this hymn and its author, Robert Grant.
Click to listen.
Hymn Stories – June 2023
/in Family and FriendsIt was in 1912 that C. Austin Miles was asked to write a hymn text that would be “sympathetic in tone, breathing tenderness in every line; one that would bring hope to the hopeless, rest for the weary, and downy pillows to dying beds.” Find out more about In The Garden.
Click to listen.
Butterfly Release and Sitewide Memorial – June 16, 2023
/in Family and FriendsHymn Stories – May 2023
/in Family and FriendsJoyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, which is sung to the music of Beethoven’s “Hymn of Joy”, is generally considered by hymnologists to be one of the most joyous expressions of hymn lyrics in the English language. Find out more about this hymn inspired by the Berkshire mountains!
Click to listen.
Lifting of Universal Masking Requirements and Screening – Effective April 6, 2023
/in Family and FriendsEffective April 6, 2023 – BC Government Announcement: End of Respiratory Season Update News
What has changed?
What doesn’t change?
Hymn Stories – April 2023
/in Family and FriendsChrist the Lord is Risen Today was written by Charles Wesley in 1739 for the first chapel service held in a deserted iron foundry in London, England, which later became known as the Foundry Meeting House. Find out more about this hymn!
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Hymn Stories – March 2023
/in Family and FriendsAs a young boy, the author of this month’s hymn, O God, Our Help in Ages Past, was challenged by his father to write better hymns for their congregation. Isaac Watts went on to be a prolific writer of hymns, theology, sermons and other works. All of these writings had a powerful influence upon the thinking of the late seventeen and early eighteenth centuries. Find out more about this hymn!
Click to listen.