Christmas at Menno Place

Christmas is a magical time at Menno Place with all the lights, decorations and Christmas spirit! Thank you to another set of elves who donated their time and talents to decorate and make everything so beautiful at the Fireside Cafe.

Do away with ‘do not resuscitate’ – a doctor’s thoughts

Published in the National Post – December 1, 2014

National Post article – by Dr. Brett Belchetz, an emergency room physician

Belchetz: ‘Family members acting as powers of attorney often ask me, “how will I live with myself if I tell you to do nothing?” ’ CPR comes with serious risks, but patients are leery of choosing a natural death because of the way the medical profession handles end-of-life care

The 83-year-old man lay in front of me. Weak and pale, his blood pressure dropping, he was barely strong enough to lift his head off of his stretcher to speak to me. The patient — let’s call him Paul — had been brought to my emergency room by his family after several days of heavy gastrointestinal bleeding.

Paul had suffered from a heart attack two years prior, and I worried greatly about the strain his ongoing blood loss was causing his system. Talking to him and his family, I urgently outlined his treatment plan, finally asking the question I pose to every elderly or chronically ill patient: “Should your heart stop beating while under my care, would you like us to attempt CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)?”

It is a question most physicians dread asking, as no matter how the issue is raised, patients and family members react at first with shock, aghast that this is even a question at all. Swayed by Hollywood’s depiction of cardiac arrests, where 75% of fictional resuscitation attempts are successful and uncomplicated, the initial answer for most patients as to whether to attempt CPR if their heart stops beating in a hospital is an automatic “yes.”

Unfortunately, in the real world, the statistics are far more grim, and the decision far more difficult. CPR performed on patients who are already in hospital carries a survival rate of approximately 15%, while CPR performed in nursing homes achieves only a 2% survival rate. Survival rates among those with serious illnesses such as cancer (6.7%) and dialysis (2%) are dismal.

Even worse, one study found that among CPR survivors, only 51% were able to be discharged, while the rest required permanent nursing home or hospice care. At the same time, over 50% of CPR survivors exhibit at least some degree of brain damage.

Unlike what is depicted in movies, the truth is that CPR is a brutal event. In my experience, chest compressions often break ribs, sometimes puncture lungs and occasionally even rupture abdominal organs. Those who survive CPR frequently spend lengthy periods of time in intensive care units (ICUs).

Due to these stark outcomes, physicians are obligated, when treating patients whose CPR outcomes are the most bleak, to clarify whether resuscitation in hospital is indeed what these patient and their loved ones want. I make it clear in these discussions that CPR is likely to fail, likely to be painful while it is being performed and, if successful, will carry a 50% chance of lifelong institutionalization and/or brain damage.

I ask patients what their goals and fears are for end of life: Do they wish for more days above all else, or do they fear pain and suffering and the risk of a prolonged loss of independence the most? When it is explained this way, a significant number of patients who initially prefer CPR, change their minds. For Paul, this was definitely the case.

Regrettably, however, the standard in health care throughout the world is to require patients or decision makers to sign what is called a “do not resuscitate” or DNR form, once this decision has been made. It is at this point that end-of-life discussions often become confused, complicated by feelings of remorse and guilt.

Family members acting as powers of attorney often ask me, “how will I live with myself if I tell you to do nothing?” Similarly, patients struggle with the negativity inherent in the DNR statement. One cancer patient I treated recently stated, “I don’t want to end up in an ICU, but I feel like I’m giving up when you use a term like DNR.”

To avoid such uncomfortable discussions, some physicians skip DNR consultations altogether. A 2012 study found that only 20% of elderly patients had actually created a document with their physician to record their CPR wishes.

In order to deal with the fact that most elderly and severely ill patients opt out of receiving CPR once the risks are explained to them, but are leery about signing DNR forms, we need to change our vocabulary. Instead of asking patients who say no to CPR to sign a form telling us not to care for them, physicians should be asking them to affirm their preference for a natural, dignified passing. Simply put, I believe the term DNR needs to go away, to be replaced with the term AND – Allow Natural Death.

Thus, I recently stopped using the words “do not resuscitate” in all such discussions. For legal purposes, I retain the term on forms, but underneath, I write AND, and ask patients to focus instead on those three letters when they consider what they are requesting.

In my admittedly unscientific sample with AND, my discussions with these patients have transformed from what was a morose part of my job, into something inspiring. I no longer witness the terrible guilt among family members that I so frequently saw when the choice to avoid CPR was defined solely by the term DNR.

Thankfully, Paul never did suffer a cardiac arrest that day. He responded well to treatment, and later he told me that the term AND optimistically captured his wish for dignity in death, while DNR made him feel like we saw him as unworthy of care. It is a sentiment that I can only hope the rest of my profession will hear and respond to, and that one day soon, all of us in the medical profession will collectively choose to do away with the words “do not resuscitate.”

Seniors Advocate – The Journey Begins

In March 2014, the BC government appointed Isobel Mackenzie as the Seniors Advocate. Ms. Mackenzie has a broad mandate to monitor and review system-wide issues affecting the well-being of seniors and raise awareness about resources available to them. The Advocate will also make recommendations to government and those who deliver seniors’ services related to health care, personal care, housing, transportation and income support.

We had the privilege of meeting Isobel Mackenzie at the BC Chapter of the Canadian College of Health Leaders. We were thrilled to hear that her background is administration in both home health and higher levels of care. She understands the issues from the inside.

In October, Isobel Mackenzie stated that “We Can Do Better” and released her first report, Together We Can Do Better. Click for PDF.

The Seniors Advocate is seeking seniors to participate in Seniors Councils throughout the province. Application deadline is December 4, 2014. Seniors Advocate Council of Advisers Website.


Christmas Elves visit Menno Place

85 high school students from Abbotsford Christian High School joined us this week to “bring Christmas to Menno Place”. They worked tirelessly throughout the campus to decorate Christmas trees, fireplaces, activity centers, dining rooms, the courtyard and the Fireside Cafe.

In addition to Christmas decorations, they worked in our gardens. Ben, a gardner at Menno Place said, “They did an entire week’s worth of work in 3 hours. Thank you!”

Thank you to each and every one of you for participating as Santa’s Little Helpers here at Menno Place this week!

Help! I need to buy grandma or grandpa a gift!

Most elderly seniors will say that they don’t need anything for Christmas – and yet, we want to get something for our elders that will remind them that they are loved and cherished…

Is it OK to long to go to heaven?

It’s February again and the calendar is telling us that it is time for you to celebrate the love of your life. Since the 15th century, Saint Valentine’s Day has been a day set aside as a day in which lovers show their love for each other.

Working among seniors, I have a front seat to witness “long-love” – marriages that have reached the 60 year anniversary milestone.

Karen Baillie elected to SafeCare BC Board

Karen Baillie, CEO of Menno Place was elected to the SafeCare BC board to serve in the position of Vice Chair. SafeCare BC was established in 2013 as an industry funded, non-profit society that works to ensure injury free, safe working conditions for long term care (LTC) workers in BC. SafeCare strives to be the industry leader in advancing injury prevention and safety training for LTC workers.

Esther Unger

Esther Unger moved to The Apartments before she “quit loving life”. She laughs with energy as she shares her move to The Apartments. Her move was motivated by her good friend, Marion who already was living at The Apartments. Esther was healthy and feeling strong when she moved in. “I’ve never looked back” she says.

Josh and Susi

Susi and Josh Kramer have made their home at Menno Place. When they moved to the Menno Place campus, they didn’t know what obstacles or circumstances they would have to face. They raised five children together when Susi’s health began to decline. That was 24 years ago. With every step, they asked God for strength, for health and riches. Instead, they were given weakness, infirmity, “just enough”. In spite of their struggles, they confidently and sincerely say that among all people, they are most richly blessed… They have found the calm in the middle of the storm – and that calm is together in the comforting care of Jesus.

After moving to Menno Place’s apartments, the journey was difficult and Susi’s health failed rapidly. God provided a home for her in residential care in Menno Hospital. She appreciates the additional care and affectionately jokes with the staff as they meet her physical needs.

Susi and Josh are a couple who have grown to love and depend on each other deeply. “I know that I can trust that he is coming to visit” says Susi. Josh comes to visit her five times each day, walking over from his apartment on another corner of the campus. “I love visiting her”, he says affectionately, “The Lord allows me to care for her. I don’t know how to call it different… this is total dependence and a privilege”.

Susi and Josh benefit from the community of care through spiritual and physical support. They also give their lives wholeheartedly to the people who come into their circle of life, endearing many to themselves. It is in these friendships that others find a joyful encouragement.

Josh smiles and calls Susi, “honey” and “sweetie” as she tells the story of promising her father she would come back to The Netherlands after a short trip to Canada. “Oh well”, she says, “I met Josh and I had to stay.” They laugh, knowingly. When they married 53 years ago, she got the giggles and he was so nervous he couldn’t eat. They are so comfortable together now, it’s hard to believe that they would ever be jittery together. Watching this couple connect, it is easy to recognize the unconditional, genuine, proven love between them.

As it is a privilege for Josh to care for Susi, it is a privilege for the staff and volunteers of Menno Place to love both of them.

Family, Friends & Residents Newsletter

Beginning in January 2015, we will be sending out a monthly email newsletter for family and friends of residents who live on the Menno Place campus. This email newsletter will contain information about events and happenings at Menno Place. It will also include updates to policies, messages from the CEO and opportunities for donation to special projects